Thursday, January 12, 2012

Studio Thinking and Art With a Message

Today I let my class in on a little secret. I told them I'd been experimenting on them with the Studio Thinking Habits. I told them they were my little guinea pigs and they all went "Awwwww." They were genuinely touched, I think because my taking this leap shows how much I care. We discussed what all the habits are and how they have been used in their art-making. I told them I want them to own the process now and be more in control, not just participate in each habit as I say.

It's been pretty great so far. We still have a lot to do regarding our class blog plans, but so far I feel really good about everyone's engagement in our socially based art projects.

Our new topic is Secret Message to the World. The students have to pretend that they have the rapt attention of the entire world, then decide what they would say (well... they will say it with art.)

We will be Developing our Craft the next couple of days as the students learn how to make Image Transfers. Next week they create their "messages". The rest is a secret and I'll let you know after it's in the works. I'll be taking pictures of our transfer making tomorrow, so expect to see what they are doing soon. Next week I hope to have our class blog up and to have students video blog about their messages. My fingers are crossed and candles lit to the computer deities that all works.

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