Under the supervision of my colleague Eric Hill in conjunction with a professional mosaic artist, the Lincoln Park HS Art Club is working on a 50 foot tile mosaic that will be installed in the new outdoor auditorium/garden area located north west of the main entrance of our school. The Art Club has completed cutting and laying tile into about 20 feet of the overall design, which consists of several sections. The design represents all aspects of LPHS: Academics, The Arts, Sports, Lion Pride, and Chicago/Lincoln Park Neighborhood. Due to the large scale of the mosaic, other groups are joining the Art Club in the process of creating the mosaic including the "Little Lincoln" Elementary School Art Club and my Mixed Media elective art students.

I have divided my Mixed Media students into small break-out groups that will take part in creating the mosaic during two week intervals. We designed this collaboration to give more students the opportunity to take part in the process of making a large-scale, collaborative mosaic as well as becoming a part of a permanent public work of art on the LPHS campus.
My Mixed Media students earned credit for participation in two ways: being present consistently during their two-week session (with the exception of excused absences and/or approved school field trips) and completion and submission of our reflection handout on all eight Studio Habits of Mind in relationship to the mosaic creation process. Although my students were not directly involved in creating the content, imagery and/or layout for the mosaic, they each could easily identify with Express in the mosaic as they could relate to the way that life at LPHS was designed and depicted by their peers in the Art Club.

I am very impressed with how quickly the students are picking up the techniques, how much they are enjoying the experience and how thoughtful their reflections on Understand the Art World are even though they are taking part in only a small portion of the overall process

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