Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thinking back on Lois' visit

Matt and I spent many hours with Lois last Thursday and Friday. Once again we were struck by her generosity and wisdom. We are very lucky to be working with her at this time. Our group is ready to partner in the continued exploration and implementation of the Studio Thinking Framework. According to Lois' prescription for successful implementation of a learning community, we are on track with our group.

Here are some suggestions for Chicago:

1) Develop a learning community (that's us!)
2) Focus professional development on student learning
3) Use assignments and accountability to motivate
4) Seek a question of importance to you and pursue it
5) Track Studio Habits
6) Use the Habits on yourself to see personal benefit
7) Keep making at the center
8) Make learning visible
9) Seek exposure/contact with contemporary artists/art (and American art of the past too!)

Lois shared these suggestions with a small group of CPS teachers and arts education leaders on Thursday before the evening presentation. Matt and I will continue to share documentation and reflections of her visit with us in the next few weeks.

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