Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogging Guidelines

Hi Everyone,

As we begin this project, we thought it would be useful to review some guidelines for a rich blogging conversation.

1) Create an account.
It's important that we have full participation to ensure that this is an active learning community. You need a Google/Blogger/Gmail account to use Blogger. If you don't have a one, please create one here.
2) Frequency of posts.
You will post one new entry each month and comment twice on others' posts each month. (1 post, 2 comments per month). We'll give you a prompt for writing but you can also share your own thoughts around using ST and AA in the classroom.

3) What to include in your post.
  • Appropriate language. If it is Not Safe for Work (NSFW) should you post it? Or just alert others that it is NSFW?
  • If you are using photos, videos or audio of students, make sure you have appropriate student media releases.
  • For video clips, media files, photos, etc. Proper citations, including pieces of art. 
  • Use links to help reference what you are writing about.
  • Each post needs to include at least one of the following labels: Studio Thinking, Studio Structures, Hetland, American Art, Environment. You can add additional labels that describe your post, to make it easier for others searching for it.
  • Try to break up your text to help the reader. Short declarative sentences in short paragraphs. It's difficult to read long pages of solid text without any space online.
  • Images are lovely.

4) Connect to Social Media. Share this blog with your colleagues through social media. Should others comment on the blog?

5) Some of our favorite blogs
Here are some examples of blogs we think have posts that successfully engage readers through their writing, media and links.

Remember this is an opportunity for us to showcase our work to a large audience. It's a professional blog with connections to an international ST group. Let's do our best to highlight our excellent work in Chicago.


  1. What do you think is necessary for an online community to be effective?

  2. The world language teachers at Schurz HS did the Pinwheels for Peace project last week. The Coonley School blog mentions the same project. Go to this link to see a photo of the pinwheels at Schurz.

