Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reinforcing Studio Habits in an Art Show

Mitchell Elementary Showcase of Artists
I wanted to reinforce the Studio Habits of Mind we have been working on at our Showcase of Artists. I highlighted artists who had really grown in each of the Studio Habits of Mind. I am not a fan of competition in art shows, but this is a way to honor growth and ingenuity and a way to educate the parents as well. This particular 4th grade girl worked on this Clown Tree House for 5 weeks and overcame many challenges in getting the different platforms and balconies to stand up. This is a wonderful example of engage and persist. On the roof top is a snake swimming pool complete with diving board.

This 2nd grade boy that I chose for "Envision", created a strikingly beautiful drawing of  the Titanic with a giant blue whale underneath. Each work of art includes an artist statement which you see below.

I have a letter writing station at the show. Each visitor (student, parents, teachers, community members) is asked to write a fan letter to the artist of a favorite work of art. I included the Studio Habits of Mind poster so that the vocabulary can be included in their letters. These will be sorted and delivered to the artists.

How do you include the Studio Habits in your art exhibitions?


  1. Julie, Thank you so much for sharing your students' work. We've missed you in our learning community and can see with this beautiful exhibition that your students have been using the Studio Habits.

    Having audience members write letters to the artists using SHoM is a great way to reinforce artistic behavior and bring the community into the conversation around artistic thinking.

    Thank you so much for sharing your students' work.

  2. Hello Julie,

    Love this idea! Do you care to share your Artist Statement form? Is it the same for all grades in elementary? Thanks! Karen
